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Feeling Bad For Having Such A Good Time, Bros

No.13576181 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I left Europe a while back and headed to South America because things were smelling really fishy, and I figured it was about to get a whole lot worse. It has. Now, watching from afar, I am seeing things starting to crumble.

Meanwhile... I have been having the time of my life. I have never gotten laid more in my life. Cannabis and coffee are cheap here and of great quality. Food here is also really good andd the lowest prices I have ever paid. Rent is 1/4 of what it is back home. I can't even communicate properly with these women and I am pulling 10s. Some of them are properly White, with green and blue eyes, andd what I imagine European were more like previous to our continent entirely falling to our respective ZOGs. Picrel is a pic of a portion of the absolute 10 I spent the past 3 days with. Blonde, green eyes, perfect body, sweet, affectionate, not demanding, loves the BWC...

Here I am reading about what's happing in Aus, getting reports from unvaxxed second-class citizens at home being socially ostracised without their green pass, seeing images of Germans partying in what look like pig-pens so isolate groups. I think I made the right decision bros...