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/pol/, when did you realize the truth

No.13609238 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
That the world, society, etc. is literally run by a demon and is literally evil.

Demon: It could be a real spiritual entity - Satan, the Demiurge, Belial, Mara, Kali (the demon) - or those religious images were mere expressions of the archaic human mind expressing the true horrifying nature of life.

You may have heard expressions like "to be of the world is to follow the devil", but when did you experience it?

For me, I experienced it when I met upper class people who are literally sociopathic empty husks with no individual personality besides bending to the social zeitgest which were rewarded in life to a higher, higher degree than most.

The fact that our world incentivizes and rewards such behavior made me realize "wow what kind of sick fuck can say life is good"