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ID:31qlMC5u No.13618097 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>sexy mexibro
>working in this bar/resto by the beach as a waiter
>Carring this tray full of big ass beer mugs for a bunch of dudes
>suddenly feel a tug on my arm causing me to almost drop the beers
>see this clearly fucked up blondie
>she slurs something to me in russian? or something so gurgled it sounds la russian
>then big THICK guy that looks like could break me like a twig comes
>"compadre hey, sorry my sister got a lil too many drinks were leaving now sorry for the problems"
>puts 200mxn in my tray
>also this guy is brown like a piece of shit and its calling this blondie his sister
>"ow thanks! dont worry it happens all the time :D"
>they return to the table, with blondie clearly against it
>being white myself feel the urge to care
>deliver the beers and with the radio (we have 1 in the kitchen in case a fight breaks up) call the bouncers
>tell them this massive guy is probably dragging a druged blondie and to keep an eye out
>they agree and get hyped for what I can hear
>keep working
>manager calls me to the office
>no one found the BIG guy (he was massive) nor the blondie and asks me to explain
>show them the money and explain
>they tell me I did good and to not overthink it, they even let me go early
This happened no more than 3 hours ago an I feel kinda bad, that girl is probably getting her innards rearranged by that guy as you read this, could I have done something else?