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India hate thread let's go boys!

ID:gXupz3Uz No.1362092 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In all seriousness, I believe Indians are the most hated pieces of shit on this entire website. Let me explain...

>Hated by /int/ (POO IN LOO)
>Hated by /pol/ (no explanation needed)
>Hated by /g/ (Windows shills)
>Hated by /biz/ (constantly shilling shitcoins, in fact to such an extent that the 100k meme was created just to deter them)
>Although not as prominent on the board due to its nature, as a /sci/fag I hate Pajeets as I had one as a lab technician and he didn't understand personal space, often rubbing against students and just STINKING THE ROOM UP

At least niggers have the BLACKED meme running in favor of them, Pajeets are literally repulsive to all women too.

Any designated street shitters want to refute?