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Micronova General - SPF 1,000,000 edition

ID:D8y71Bg+ No.13632314 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So lads, let's talk about the micronova a bit. Let's try to make this as easy as possible for people who haven't heard about it yet. It's always so precious to see their reactions.

What is it?
I will try to explain it quickly. Our solar system bobs "up and down" along the lateral axis of the galaxy the same way the Earth does with the Sun. Think of it like bobbing in a wave. Every 12,000 years or so, we pass through the galactic center plain, which is full of dust and stuff. That dust gathers on the sun like a magnet, and gets stuck in the corona which is like the "atmosphere" for the sun. Eventually the dust causes the sun to shed it's corona in one massive event called a "micronova". The sun illuminates to about 10-100 times it's normal levels baking everything in line of sight. That isn't where it ends for us on Earth, but let's keep it simple for the people who haven't heard about this before.

>The future is so bright I don't need eyes to see it.

Anyway, we finished passing through the galactic center plain about 9 years ago in 2012. There are some indicators of this event becoming imminent, most of them can be observed on Earth and have everything to do with the planet related stuff I'm sure you'll learn about in the thread. Some of those things are:

>significant increase in seismic activity
>significant increase in volcanic activity
>movement of magnetic poles accelerating
>acceleration of magnetic shield weakening

Suspicious0bservers believes that before the decade is out we'll more than likely have been hit with a significant CME and lost critical electrical infrastructure, and be sent back to the stone age. It won't be coming back. The best time to start preparing for disaster was 10 years ago. Second best time is now. More likely than not, when this thing happens, over 90% of the Earth's population will be wiped out within 48 hours. On the bright side, we've still got 15-20 years to prepare.