The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World He Didn’t Exist. Demonic possession is a parasitic infestation both physically and spiritually.
> PrideThe most misunderstood, vile, ungodly trick ever played. The demon seed that lets root all other corrosive forces and without it none are possible. Cast off this foul wretched arrogance that lures you deeper and darker away from ascension. Cleanse yourself of this disorder with humility.
> WrathAn acid burn of hot stinging blood, putrid pustules that trap you without a way to channel this pure energy. Be kind.
>GreedA sulfur sewer pit of despair walled by empty jars of dust that crack and shatter as your bones rot blown in the gust of this hive of flies. Check its spread with charity.
>LustA bungling dancing dangling marionette, squirming and twitching in all directions, a spiraling dizzy gutting of regret and sadness. Temper this mess with chastity.
>EnvyA schizophrenic neck twisting bone snapping torture, a tangled contortion of ears and eyes glued over with excrement, dripping on the ground you constantly slip. Have patience.
>SlothA stultified, stagnant web of dry rot. An aimless, useless, armless, legless waste. A decay set in that lets the maggot nest eat at you. Shake them off with diligence.
>GluttonyAs the worm feeds on you its appetite shits up your blood, ejaculating venom across your tongue and up your spine. Take the worm pill anon, gain temperance.