>>13643044This post is mostly bullshit except this:
http://www.sociopathworld.com/2013/12/sociopath-treatment.htmlLet me explain, where traditional treatment is used, (like psychotherapy or counseling), the sessions merely act as a kind of unintentional specialized training to help psychopaths more effectively mimic healthy emotional behavior (you make me work for free here to do this). They are not treated or helped by traditional therapy as any insane (or sane) person might be. But Dr. Robert Hare developed a system whereby by accepting that the psychopath may never be anything but rational (LOL) and uncaring, and used logical process to demonstrate that it is in their own interest to behave appropriately.
So a bitchy jewess or hysterical jew would get ostracized, all forms of supply taken from her, forbidden from doing a lot of activities, punished... similar to how niggers keep other niggers in check (because you are niggers).
Also anything you try on me except a lot of staged dramatics (which works temporarily) is useless, I know you are insane, any judgement you do over anything is nonsense, what you are doing is illegal, it would get you executed for treason (if stupid people didn't exist) and it's a scam based on concern trolling, which is something you do all the time (maybe retarded normi s didn't understand this),