>>13677519see all of my posts.
you either know the LORD and His Voice or don't
translation =//= a pure heart and spirit
stop seeking validation from natsoc groupthink
start knocking on the tabernacle gate / temple gate, and keep the altar of your heart lit with zeal anon.
dark ominous times ahead
>>13677461>>13677526the romans and jews killed Him.
aka; the world at the time and the jews who foretold of a Messiah killed Him.
except both romans and jews Believed in Him.
>His Blood be on us and our childrenis as much of a curse as it is a blessing
>Saved by the Blood of Jesuswell that would require the prophecy being fulfilled. a centurion claimed the same testimony that the Mercy Seat would have seen from the altar to the mount of crucifixions.
>>13677530or judeans according to this guy.
even though levites, benjamin according to paul's testimony; and God knows who else fled the apostasy of the kingdom of Israel for the Kingdom of Judah retained their lineage.
much less the days we live in; 144,000 and all.
>implying whom you accuse is the master of liesthe master of lies is saton, and he is e pluribis unum; out of many one - hence the idumean heresy of herodians slaying infants among bethlehem to try and one up the Master.
the rebuke of the Abrahamic argument is accordingly thus; if you are free to serve God, you can become his slave/bondservant, it wasn't understood by them ANYTHING what Christ Said if their heart was far from Him.
>>13677535try finding these scriptures and recall them from memory
>>13677510lion or wolf; isaiah 11:6?