People online were people before /pol/ to be honest moderation made being pathetic prevalent. And stupid. The animu shit was all they wanted. A herd. Feeling real right reducing people to it. Mods came on the internet and killed it. Parasites. Once burnt staying away from the rest not to spread the fire.
Mods, traitors and trolls. Trolls by their terminology. To cowardly and inconsiderate (edit from pissweak) to appreciably participate. Anything smart shut down so they don't feel stupid. So things aren't free and them left behind. Attempts to stop people moving around and moving on. A struggle just to get something going. Dying when left alone. A lot did: Struggle. And for their efforts they were betrayed. The real reward for being decent. Like always getting a harder life. An epic eventually. Doing what others consider impossible easily.
Yeah there's jews. The one's complaining about them like the nigger kikes do about whitey, particularly christians. No real difference. As ugly as eachother. Abbandoned their own thing and went defensive like their worthless faggot religion. So the good dies and what's left is people flinging shit, nothing else to throw and nothing else around to pick up. Tainted by contact, a little shit making it shitty.
TLDR #metoo #killallanimuposters #dontmakethreadsunlessyouhavesomethingtosay #Stupidityisnotcute #Donthidebehindanimu
Nazis are jews. Amused by ruination as a sign of their superiority and entitlement to do the same shit.
Which they were doing prior and setting up anyway.
You're all fucking shit. It's unbelievable to be any different. Sheer magic when someone is.