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Aryan Bacon AKA Ass Clown.

No.13700690 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This flashy pussy who is putting fuel to the genocide fire, which presently includes all the diverse white peoples of today; is a racial traitor and scumbag. Fuck this coward and the Jew cow he rides in on. All you youngsters and followers no fuck all about Hitler, WW2, or the JQ. You still vote, you listen to parrots and they give you your opinions. What can you tell me that isn’t recycled, old news that you heard from someone else. Do any of you have an original thought?
Change my mind, I’m willing to hear the case. As I see it now, none of you are worth protecting, or influencing. Time wont be wasted on the hopeless many.

I say again, the oldest trick in the book, of not known by you, will work time and time again.
Enemy Counter-measures are always quite impressive to me in their effectiveness. I’m impressed by the assumed and correctly so use of human stupidity.
Aryan Bacon, - Anytime, Anywhere, I’ll take you and your posse to school.”, unarmed and alone. Line up