>>1370139999 percent of "toxic masculinity" negatively affecting men is true. However, 99 percent of "toxic masculinity" negatively affect women is false.
Once a man accepts the fact that he is physiologically incapable of pure, honest, legitimate speech that lacks any underlying meanings, he will be able to prosper both mentally and physically. Male speech is a form of verbal combat, where every word and interaction is predicated on an underlying assumption of physical violence. It is no wonder why men choose friends that are similar in height, build, and testosterone levels. And where we do see violence between men, it is where there is a perceived mismatch between men's physical capabilities, where one man doubts the other's physical capacity for violence and refuses to take a submission social position. Thus, "toxicity" arises where men attempt to subvert this natural order. The man will begin to engage in self-destructive behavior in a hopeless attempt to gain social stature. And the moment the man enters a new social scenario, surrounded by new men, he is reset.
But once a man realizes the nature of his male existence, he can recognize that men above his social standing are there to help him, just as he can help those who stand below him. He will abandon his "toxic" behaviors and further himself more than ever possible with the help of his fellow men.
But a woman who sees this behavior has no place to correct the man. It's a hopeful endeavor. The woman feels that underlying presumption of violence, but the man does not. The rules of the game have changed. And any attempt by the woman to lower the "toxic" man's social standing will prove disastrous. Only men can put men in their place.