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I'd invite you over and knock up some food if you were local. Hook up the PC to the TV and find some shit to look at. Or hang out at the service station eating chips. Ask any travelers that show up for a ride offering to cover some fuel maybe. Go wherever they go and tag along the tourist shit, see the world their way. Take a bus back whenever later or a flight. Figure out something to do. Scan the area on facegook for females offering some fuck if they were into that shit. If I was I don't use social shit. Solo for a while and used to it. Sharing something special... nobody weird enough to be into weirdness. Though I haven't gone looking. You find what you're looking for I guess, may not know it until you get it. Fitter always improves outlook. My body comes and goes fast. Goes faster than comes and my baseline isn't that superior anymore, have to work for it, but always pushed myself as norm, now can't be bothered. Bigger fish to fry.