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Important Reminder

ID:4WxwkaSb No.13758345 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you didn't know, should a post reach a set amount of reports for a couple of specific rules, it will automatically get deleted. The spamming/flooding rule is one of those rules which don't require a mod's approval to get a post deleted. Discordtrannies like >>13758210 use bots and proxies to mass report everything their cabal don't personally approve of. Observe how often "his" fellow discordtrannies often join threads in unison to defend the """moderator's""" decision-making. This is actually the very sole reason this board is so full of discordniggers, they literally rule this board and have been grooming people for 4 years straight. Their spam also rarely if never gets deleted, see the discord grooming generals such as >>13704244, >>13751574 and >>13747177. This is because there was never any real moderation in this board, for the actual moderators don't give a single shit about /bant/ and usually swing by to either delete CP or to dump threads from other boards. Don't hesitate to repost this, let the truth shine brighter than ever, because if there is something the discordtrannies loathe more than anything else, it is definitely being exposed.