>>13765373>leading to them becoming oversocialized simps.thats where you're wrong. Becoming that is a choice. It is in the nature of man to desire to sleep with multiple cunnies and not be chained to one roastie for all his life. Thats where the idea of harems come from.
Alas, the days of cunny slave markets and harems are far behind us now and we must face the ugly reality that we live in. Becoming a gynocentric, jestermaxxing circus animal for women isnt the way to go. There's the whitepill.
You can drown in PRIME, slave, CUNNY for extremely affordable rates and prices in places like SE Asia (thialand, combodia, vietnam and so on). I know what you're thinking "I dont want to fuck some coom dumpsters cunnies and be happy, I want to have a family and children".
Neigh, that is the gynocentric programming speaking thru you, It is in the nature of man to seek, coom, and dump as much prime cunny as in within his reach. The idea of monogomy and the "family unit" is how you fall into the gynocentric trap. As emperor Augustus (pbuh) said "If only I had never married, or had died childless"
As soon as I finish uni, I will gather my shekels and WHOREmaxx in SE Asia. I will die from cunny overdose, that is the idea that is keeping me alive and fighting, find the light, my snow ape brother.