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ID:4KwNv/94 No.13770086 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Knock knock
>Who’s there?
>Oh no no no, no you cannot say that
>Yeah that’s not funny anon, that’s not the kind of posts we allow on this board
Okay, yeah I’m sorry. It’s just you know. It’s been a rough few weeks Janny, ever since I… raided /tttt/ with wojaks
>Okay I’m waiting for the punchline
There is no punchline, it’s not a joke
>Your serious aren’t you, you’re telling me you raided that board?
>And why should we believe you?
I got nothin left to lose. Now that/qa/ is gone, nothing can hurt me anymore. This site is nothing but a comedy.
>Well let me get this straight, you think that raiding /lgbt/ is funny?
I do… and I’m tired of pretending its not. Shitposting is subjective Janny. Isn’t that what they say? All of you, the imageboard that knows so much, you decide what’s on on topic or not, the same way you decide what’s FUNNEH, or not.
>Well I think I might understand. You did this to start a movement? To become a symbol?
Come on Janny, do I look like the kind of frog that can start a movement? I raided that board because they were awful. Everyone is awful these days. It’s enough to make anyone crazy.
>Okay so that’s it, your crazy? That’s your defense for raiding that board.
Nope, 41% of that board will be gone anyway
Oh why is everyone so upset about these guys? If it was us getting raided you’d scroll right past it. I shitpost everyday and you don’t notice me. But these guys? What because Hiro cried about them on Twitter
>You have a problem with Hiro?