>>13780184>Is it too late for them?If she's not a virgin, it's too late.
>girl gets given correct morals and opinions by her parents>her private schools and neighborhood culture reinforces it>ship her off to a racemixing fuckparty run by communist Jews in tweed suits who give each other academic awards for how smart they all are>she becomes a whore>has fun for five minutes>regrets it>now asks if it's too late now that she's 36 and has had hundreds of dicks inside of herNo man who has built anything of value for himself will ever want anything to do with her. End of story. Nobody who knows how to work with their hands, who can cook their own food or plant their own gardens, nobody who has any real ability as a man, will ever be willing to marry her.
A man who "settles" for a whore is committing adultery. Marriage isn't a government stamped piece of paper. It's sex. If a man has sex with a woman, he becomes her husband. If a woman who is married has sex with another man? That's adultery. The traditional punishment for adultery is death. We kill adulterers, male and female. We are supposed to. So "settling" for a dumb slut is committing a sin worthy of capital punishment.
A roastie is nothing more than a sin machine. She stains and corrupts every man she touches, and wallows in the irreversible consequences of her own choices.
If she's not a virgin, it's too late. Touch her, and you're an adulterer.