>>13789655>I'm not religious, so I don't care about their dumb claims of being the chosen ones or whatever.your religiosity has nothing to do with it. you're not a sculptor or an architect, yet you are upset at what you perceive to be my viewpoint pertaining to white art.
>I haven't met one who does think thatyou need to get out more, then, lol. i used to work in the hood, there are plenty. just like there are plenty of good, honest, humble blacks, like the families i grew up next to.
>Some might have been, but a large portion weren't. no we're entering an actual discussion instead of being angry at my perceived emotions.
yes, whites have done some awful things by today's standards. whites have the blood of millions on our hands.
but, without going into excruciating details, you can hopefully appreciate a broader picture:
you are taught, in today's educational system, over and over again about how bad whites are, and all the sins of our fathers. you are never taught about the sins of other races. you are, as a white man, expected to be sorry for slavery, globalization, jim crowe, women not voting, etc etc, but are discouraged from taking pride in the accomplishments of your people.
every other race, in contrast, is taught the opposite: instead of dwelling on the horrific violence and soaring murder rates and out-of-wedlock childbirths in the black community, you only ever hear about how they are oppressed, how they were enslaved, discriminated against, etc. they are to take pride in their history of overcoming oppression.
in other words, whites are expected to carry the sins of our fathers, but not take pride in their achievements.
other races are expected to take pride in the achievements of their fathers, but not carry their sins.
do you agree?