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Operation VaxMind

No.13797815 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a theory that the vaxxed are now part of a remotely controlled Hive Mind. It could have something to do with the mRNA, altering neurotransmitters, graphene oxide, parasites, black goo, 5G, and other microscopic debris found in the vaccines.

Lately I've noticed something strange which led me to this hypothesis.

Many people who were at first skeptical of the jab, after getting it, now defend it aggressively. The strange part is... they seem to all retort with the exact same lines and methods of thinking.

Here's an example:

> Person is very skeptical of getting the jab
> Months go by and they finally cave in
> All of a sudden they are 100% pro vax
> When they hear anyone with hesitancy they respond with something like "Oh yea you must think they want to implant us all with microchips or something crazy like that" as they laugh and try to subtly hint that you are the crazy one and there could never be anything wrong with the jabs

That is the biggest one I've noticed. All vaxxers seem to go right to the Micro Chip joke as a deflection.

The Operation:

I need your help to come up with a set of questions.

We're going to ask the same question to hundreds of vaxxers and see if they all have the same response.

This would confirm that they are indeed plugged into some new Hive Mind, and have been pre-programmed with default responses.

So what do you need to do?

Either post your ideas / questions / feedback here, or try it yourself, and come back with results.

Pick a question, and ask 5-10 or more vaxxers independently. See if they all respond in a similar way, use the same words, etc. If the purpose of the vax is mind control, there has to be some weakness in it that can be exposed and proven.

There are a lot of keywords in this post, so please ignore the shills who are guaranteed to flock in. And if you totally disagree with this theory, please tell me why. If you have any other input, it is welcome.