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i'm usually the order in multiplayer, playing it as singleplayer and other players as bots who should be doing what is necessary. Action not needed then conference then as ordered. Hope for excellence demonstrated possible. Haven't played it in a while, I enjoy the threat of chaos cutting off what's not needed, sometimes. Sometimes causing it because it's too dull otherwise, increasing the difficulty for myself and whatever's following me getting into the action. When someone else leads i'm total support as I expect everyone else to be. I'm a good second that turns the rest the same. Reliability is a base to build on, leader more brave knowing they can get away with more. Good as a leader to get into certain death, it becomes easier and keep pushing it getting better, game too easy then training to do things faster and more reliably, compete with other players for as much professionalism, get #1 and move on.
As long as someone has something that has survived stupidity they're appreciable. Ability can compensate for anything. It can grow a counter that keeps them trying instead of reverting to common failure of character. Make them an individual. Anything nice has a place, I see to that unless it's betrayal, but that's a failure of my own character which should be able to take it too. Anything in improving others, maintaining what's right and riding/being it as it grows itself. Real triumph in games is making the right thing work, especially where it's the harder choice, not changing to suit a bad system, no doing the wrong thing to succeed, though nearly all of it now is about killing. Never betray others. I can be relied on for that. Even if it's a gameplay mechanic.
I define a people by the best or did. Expect the best from where the best have been. /v/ was a videogame to some and we won it.