>>13812010soijak saga has been the most pathetic shit i've seen on 4chan. the mongoloid mods seriously shit the bed so bad with this.
you got discords and groups of people doing spam campaigns for years that are more disruptive, but soijak actually made them delete a board out of rage? every time they try to "troll" users allowing schizo to root out of laziness and desire to say fuck to users it flies back into their own face so hard. i noticed now the same schizo who were spamming blacked on /qa/ are now switching to do it on /v/ full time.
sooner or later that will cause even more issues they have to deal with, but they're too retarded to realize this.
moderation is always retarded dipshits like that dumb fuck lowtax. that piece of shit blew all his money on tranny then killed himself not even wanting to see his own kids grow up cause he's such a piece of garbage. basically sums up moderations entire life be a degenerate retard until it catches up then neck yourself.