You like Huey Lewis and the Dubs?
Ha ha, one off faggot.
Their earlier work was a little... Singular for my tastes, but when this post came out in '17, they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole post had a clear crisp pair of repeating digits, and a new sheen of constant gets, that really gave the thread A BIG BOOST.
Hey anon?
Yes, anon?
Why does your post contain singles? Are you a faggot?
No, anon.
Is that an amazing feat of luck and timing?
Yes, it is. In '17 Huey released released this post; Four, their most accomplished shitpost. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to Check my Digits". A post so well composed and though out, most people don't even check the digits. But they should, because it's not just about the number that the post ends with, It's also a personal statement about how I'm wasting my life trying to get repeating post numbers on a Zimbabwean Juggling image board. Hey anon! CHECK MY DIGITS! TRY TO SAGE MY THREAD NOW, YOU BASTARD!
Check 'em.