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Our trip to Moscow

ID:TvFCkD9C No.13895840 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So almost 4 years ago at the 10th grade me and my class flew to Moscow to study about space and physics.

>me and my friends go to the biggest mall of Moscow
>A friend decides to buy a nerf gun
>we fuck around, tell him to hop in the shopping cart
>we just spin the shopping cart with him and the nerf gun in his hands
>Russians look at us, each of them asks us where are we from
>we have been instructed to not tell we're from Israel
>we just tell them random countries like Spain, Hungary etc
>one guy in particular asks where we are from
>he answer "Bosnia"
>he's in shock and almost screams "BOSNIA?!?!???"
>walks away quickly

To this day I have no idea why he reacted that way