>>13929445not one but two disgusting creatures for the price of one
clerics are full casters yes. the distinction in tabletop dnd is martials (no spell just sword), half casters (some sword some spell) and full casters (only spell). each specific class has its specialties of course but that's the general breakdown. clerics and wizards generally have access to the most powerful spells, but clerics specialize in getting as tanky as a martial while wizards are lil glass cannons.
that's why i recommend clerics and paladins (a half caster). in the tabletop game healing and damage mitigation are usually pretty bad, so both classes are disproportionately good at non-magic stuff when compared to similar classes as a reward for having "bad" spells. most video games have much tighter balancing on combat encounters and rests and such, which makes healing way more relevant.
as for the stat stuff, in d&d there's a hard cap of 15 points in any stat when you're making a character and a hard cap of 20 from leveling up. most of the games i've seen preserve this spirit by making it so you can only have X many points in a stat at Y level or by slightly increasing the number of points you get when you level up and drastically increasing the number of points required to level up stats that are already high
if you're truly looking for braindead options to get comfortable with barbarian is typically a top tier choice. if you walk up and basic attack something every turn you're playing them optimally and their leveling can be simplified to to just putting points in strength and constitution evenly