>>13922559To further illustrate this, let's pretend "freemasons" are a legit thing in 2021.
Cancer SYMPTOMS would be things like = BLM, LGBT, feminism, trannys, degeneracy normalization, slavery which brought blacks to North/South america to begin with, socialism, communism, globalism, wokeism etc. etc. etc. and let's for the sake of argument throw "freemasons" in there.
The CANCER ITSELF = jews propagating these very symptoms
Yes, cancer symptoms suck, but one must address the cancer itself. Focusing on the symptoms is pointless. The symptoms will keep reappearing until the cancer itself is addressed. Attempts to get normies to be distracted by the symptoms and not focused on the cancer itself is jew obfuscation 101.
Something easy to notice: Note how jewtube is FULL of "conspiracy" videos about masons, illuminati, various other "secret societies", flat earth bullshit etc. etc.
Yet ANY video that even mildly mentions the jew gets instabanned and the channel deleted. Think about why that is.