>>13946645Rename /bant/ to /bnat/ then to /pol2/.
Delete /pol/ and reopen /qa/ and rename /qa/ to /bant0/.
Rename /ck/ to /pol/ and then delete it, rangebanning everyone who posted on it.
Rename /bant0/ back to /qa/.
Close /qa/ again, then rename /pol2/ to /bant/ and turn it into a blue board.
While this is going on, bring back /q/, /htmlnew/, and /newnews/.
Rename /newnews/ to /newpol/ and act like /newpol/ was brought back but it's still actually just /newnews/.
Add /l/ but now it's /l/ - Politics.
Delete /l/ and /k/ by accident because you've got fat fingers you fuck.
Create /ck/ by accident again while trying to bring back /k/.
And finally, open borders for /j/.