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ID:Cenr9T3h No.13964502 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>>im not going to sugarcoat this anymore.
>>>1. You are calling me a tranny when you posted your battlestation and you were OBVIOUSLY a TRANNY. trans keyboard and trans steam group. there is NO WAY you're not A FAGGOT TRANNY
>>>2. YOU'RE claming I am seething when you always lurk this board for ANY mentions of you (always negative) and you always reply sounding buttmad, adding a shitty leebait pic to add to the seetheness
>>>3. You are a newfag. you dont have ANY images with filenames starting with less than 15. YOU are a NEWFAG and clearly mad that theres an oldfag who you're talking to. someone who clearly knows more about /qa/ culture than you do, newfag.
>>>4. "Cope". What am I coping with? Do you even know what cope means you newfaggot? I am not coping with anything, just stating the facks that you are a raging buttblasted faggot. and considering you're an actual tranny the word buttblasted make more sense. maybe "WOUNDBLASTED" would be even more appropriate
>>>5. "SEETHE". We all know who is clearly seething here. You're so mad you're not even replying to my posts anymore. I do that because I am not in a constant state of tranny newfaggot anger and can talk without crying on my keyboard.