>>13969162I'm very clearly white, so unfortunately I can't pull that trick.
>>13969164It's kind of a long story, so I'll try to greentext the important details.
>be me>have neighbour with a pitbull>this neighbour is an assistant sociology professor, hate his and his "girlfriend's" guts>my young son plays street hockey regularly with other kids on the block>pitbull is never tied up and always terrorizes them, terrorizes people taking the groceries to the car, complete menace in the neighbourhood essentially>a few months ago I was home sick ("isolating"), and my wife was going to work and my son was at school>I look out the kitchen window which faces the backyard, its about 12:30 PM, and see my neigbour's pitbull in the backyard>flash of rage comes over me, I have had enough of this>get raw steak out of fridge and shovel>throw the pitbull the steak, it is distracted eating it, and I proceed to pummel it over the head a few times>it is unconscious, I take it to my garage and strap it to the workbench>I use tin snips to remove its balls so that it won't have testosterone to do this anymore>I remove its teeth with tin snips so it can't bite anyone>drop off the incapacitated dog on my neighbours front door while I'm still home aloneUnfortunately, my neighbour had surveillance cameras, so I was caught.
By the way, the dog still is alive, but it is thoroughly cowed, thanks to me. So everyone won here (except me, the unsung hero, in a sense); the neighbourhood is safe, and my neighbour gets to keep his shitty dog,