>>13988079One of my art teachers tried to fuck me when I was fifteen. A woman. Not bad looking for forty. But I'm almost forty now, I still can't fuck forty year olds. It was a boarding school. She had an apartment on campus. her kids went there too and I knew them. i had a cold. She came up to me at night, in a room under the auditorium where they stored theatre props.
You feeling OK, she asked. Under the weather, I told her. Well, she said, if you want to feel better: come to my place and see me. I think you know what I mean. And she gave me the fuck me eyes.
I think you know what I mean. At first I didn't. She was the first person to ever express sexual interest in me. I was an unfuckable dork and thought I would be for life. What did she mean? Seemed to be something forbidden. Smoking pot maybe? I don't want to smoke pot with a teach—OHHH.