Quoted By:
>It started out as /b/ and moot was happy.
>Then /b/ started to go to shit after project failology, normies began to pour in for le scientology protest!
>More and more normies caught on, oldfags got pissed at this sudden "omg 4chan is all hugs" and moved off the likes of /new/ and then /pol/
>Stormfront and reddit saw /pol/ as this edgy super rightwing anonymous imageboard and flocked in crapping up /pol/
>Meanwhile, /b/ goes to complete shit
>moot says "fuck this, im out"
>Oldfags have lived in hell for 4 goddamn years
>Hirojesus appears and creates /bant/, the promised land for the displaced oldfag /b/tards
moot gave up on us, he is dead to me.