[178 / 14 / ?]

348KiB, 1500x1000, cast-iron-skillet-istetiana-getty-1500x1000.jpg
Quoted By: >>14016768 >>14016770 >>14016771 >>14016772 >>14016773 >>14016774 >>14016775 >>14016776 >>14016782 >>14016785 >>14016789 >>14016790 >>14016794 >>14016795 >>14016803 >>14016804 >>14016805 >>14016806 >>14016810 >>14016812 >>14016828 >>14016840 >>14016842 >>14016844 >>14016846 >>14016862 >>14016872 >>14016875 >>14016888 >>14016894 >>14016901 >>14016917 >>14016920 >>14016926 >>14017666 >>14018454 >>14019274
>heavy and indestructible
>will last 100+ years
>distributes heat evenly
>food tastes better
>no chemicals get in food
>simplicity of iron + oil
tell me /pol/, why are you still using the nonstick jew? take the real ironpill like your ancestors did
>will last 100+ years
>distributes heat evenly
>food tastes better
>no chemicals get in food
>simplicity of iron + oil
tell me /pol/, why are you still using the nonstick jew? take the real ironpill like your ancestors did