Marisa: somewhat airheaded and lives alone in a forest so she is probably too naive to know the situation
Reimu: unvaxxed due to characteristic laziness and being somewhat isolated
Cirno, Dai: unvaxxed
Meiling and Sakuya: definitely ordered by Remilia to be triple vaxxed because they're just servants, every fairy in the SDM is too
Patchy: I read somewhere that smart people usually aren't vaxxed and she is anemic so maybe she isn't vaxxed at all
Remilia: Unvaxxed
Flandre: Unvaxxed
>>14074935Shut up
Kaguya: definitely vaxxed at Eirin's behest
Mokou: forest hermit, unvaxxed
Keine: teacher, ultra mega vaxxed
Kogasa: I think she's a babysitter so she needs to be mega vaxxed
Yamame is the least vaxxed 'hu