>>14081426multiplication and division are equal are not equal if you multiplication 2*2=4 or/ and division 2/2=1 there wont come to the same amount.
>>14081428can you pove it , with a simple look on google you can fine out is dose not go that way. >multiplication OR division
>addition OR subtractionare you dum? it not as OR no as in you right the right to pick one of of them to do. no it that if there addition OR subtraction as if it the math probole has one. this one dose not have any subtractio. so you would say something as " you would do addition OR subtraction as the last steep to answer it. NOT you can pick addition OR subtraction to solve it.
>>14081455> order of operations.ya, you right but the thing most of the dum ass dont understand what that is and think they can desired if they want to do multiplication OR division, addition OR subtraction.