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Quoted By: >>14086351 >>14086352 >>14086353 >>14086356 >>14086357 >>14086361 >>14086369 >>14086370 >>14086372 >>14086376 >>14086378 >>14086379 >>14086380 >>14086381 >>14086382 >>14086384 >>14086385 >>14086389 >>14086390 >>14086392 >>14086395 >>14086396 >>14086397 >>14086398 >>14086403 >>14086404 >>14086407 >>14086408 >>14086411 >>14086414 >>14086416 >>14086417 >>14086418 >>14086419 >>14086420 >>14086421 >>14086425 >>14086491
Long story short, I'm a 4th generation Iraqi born and raised in the Netherlands, I have never been to the middle east, I don't follow any religion (I'm actually atheist), I can only speak Dutch and English, I support free market, secularism, liberal democracy, human rights and enlightenment for everybody in the World. Can any of you care to explain what makes me any less European than a "White" dude on a material, cultural and ideological level? And don't come with racial and nazi blood and soil pseudo-science bullshit because these aren't valid arguments