Imagine being a failed cuckold desperately cycling tren and test and grooming your beard 14 times an hour just to lull your psyche into a false sense of masculine mimicry. Just to reconcile your self-loathing and cognitive dissonance.
Now imagine being that pathetic cuckold, that's been divorce raped, and gets to share his slampig girlfriend with 8 men a week, and you still get to fail upwards and you immediately get plugged by big personalities, and you get to launch a men's astroturfing club, even though you are a literal who bald sodomite.
How does it happen?
>Goldman, german jewish ancestry, grandmother survived the holohoax
That's right, that is exactly how it happens.
We are so fortunate that disaffected men that are beginning to realize their civilization is crumbling and they are staring at extermination, have these people to guide them
>Jordan Peterson, jewish spouse, shills for jews incessantly, trilatteral commission speaker
>Ben Shapiro, jewish, zionist, pro-miscegenation for whites. Openly.
>Joe Rogan, jewish spouse, mulatto step-children
>Intellectual dark web, 14 out of the 17 foundational members were jewish.
>Jack Goldman, cuckold, jewish
Michael Malice, jewish, anarchist when it comes to white nations, traditionalist when it comes to israel. Stated repeatedly that he will move to israel if things get too bad. But he all for anarchism, goy. Don't question it.
Lex Friedman, jewish, literal who boring autist that been propped up so much that even normies are scratching their heads.
>Tim Pool, hapa mongrel. His girlfriend is jewish.
Post Millennial crew, all jewish.
Dave Rubin, jewish, owner of Locals, and effectively Rumble too (since the merger). Did a jewish trick with a SPAN, so he's made bank.
The entire conversation is directed by kikes and their shabbos goyim.