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Anon with spiritual terror

ID:YKL0DTgW No.14103891 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What I meant by one side of the extremes or the other is that, you have convictions for your beliefs and act on those convictions. Whether it be good or bad, ie wanting to be a priest, or to desecrate the Bible, etc. The world is moved and shaped by people like you who act on their convictions. How and what you focus that energy on will be the key to solving your internal struggles and bringing yourself peace. You don't need to become a priest to prove yourself to God. Like I mentioned, Jesus didn't spend his days with the righteous. He spent it amongst the most destitute of those society had to offer. One of the important aspects of Christianity that other Christians tend to forget is, Jesus died so that all can find salvation through faith. Jesus came for the sinners, not the saints. If only the righteous were welcome to salvation, no human would ever make it. So what I'm getting at when I say extremes is, don't sweat trying to walk a perfect path. It won't matter. Jesus and through him, God, already accept you. Its just a matter of accepting them back in your heart.

I'm not a preacher and I don't like to tell people how to live their lives in relation to God, but you have conviction in your beliefs, whether good or bad and I believe you will find peace in balancing those convictions.

If you think gay stuff and light blasphemy are bad, remember Jesus beat jews for being kikes and told them to their faces they will burn. Elisha, a seemingly righteous servant of God, called upon Him to summon bears to kill 42 children for calling him bald. The kids were probably gonna kill him, but eh, pretty sure they both made it into heaven. So between beating jews and having children killed, I wouldn't sweat the small stuff.