Running water turns to fire. What's in between exits the waterfall and leaves it behind.
Over land it turns over to turn straight down, following a ledge breifly, jets slow it and sound comes back. Deep underwater awash in explosions that settle with it. It shoots some lines into rocks at the side and sinks over a crevasse. Towing them, rocks are cleaned off, age old baloons that survived long enough to be small islands of coral before sucumbing. Growing, the payload they floated somewhere inside the mass, or freed. Craft on autopilot while dreams decide the next course of action and build their resting place. Plans. Nothing in the way preventing them coming to be but time. This will do that, consequences fill in the blanks in a blanket over a castle. The core of things contained in the shapes lead others by chosing a common adventure complimenting their user. A higher class of wonder that makes life easier.
Dreampop Playlist | Vol. 1