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ID:SqNprtiH No.1412477 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/b/, i need medical help, but i can't get it just yet... please help me..
I feel really really tired... like not jsut tired, my body feels like I haven't slept in weeks. It feels really heavy, even sitting down is tiring. My head feels fuzzy and kinda dizzy, like if it was filled with cotton. My thoughts come out slowly and tired too. I even feel like i should be worried, but im too tired to feel panic or anxiety, jsut a mild worry.
I i've been feeling like this since yesterday... all i can do is sleep or lay down. Feel too tired to even play vidya. No matter how much i sleep or rest, still feel like my body weighted tons, and my head really tired and fuzzy. I have a good diet, and even exercise. The medic from the company i work at did some pressure and glycemia tests on me and were normal, so she just sent me to rest... but i'm feeling worse... please help me /b/