higher refreshrates doesn't require more power. the leds change state more often, there is some power consumption involved with the liquid crystals changing state and leds, but it's not much. it's the calculation of the 3d models. they take calculation. every picture has to be calculated. if it's 60 pictures per seconds, every triangles have to be rendered inside the picture, every frame, 60 times per second. and if it's 360 pictures per second, every triangle on the screen has to be rendered in every frame. 360 times a second.
that's why the obstruction of the 3d rendering algorithmn was and is so devastating for 3d vision and video games. it killed many lifes and depresses the whole world.
also there is the huge satanic agenda by holding ARM and the successor of it, RISC-V back. ARM and RISC-V are more elaborate machinecodes which provide for higher complexity processors, which can calculate faster with higher power efficiency. we have established it into smartphones, because the Computer Architecture intel x86-64 isn't power efficient enough, to be built in smartphones.
to compare the efficiency there are comparsion videos of the intel x86-64 architecture and ARM, the macbooc is not even RISC-V. the software is developed for intel x86-64 and has to be translated into the ARM machinecode. just like you would emulate playstation or xbox games on your pc or your smartphone.
compare the power consumption of booth devices and the performance difference while the apple macbook is emulating the code.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMgCsvcMIaQhe says it's 250Watts vs 100Watts.
and here the same graphics card, the rtx 3080 limited on 100watts, what the macbook takes for the whole laptop including cpu and gpu and the macbook is more performant in an emulated software than the rtx 3080 running on native software.