[77 / 18 / ?]
The jews sacrificed Goldman for a purpose. To demonstrate to you their absolute power over the pseudoreality we know as society and politics. They are sending us a message to not get any ideas about trying to enter their space. If any one of us goyim tries to step into their space, become the next Hitler, or become problematic for them, they will pull the trigger, not physically, but socially. It's not an overt message, but a subliminal one, added to the stack of other seemingly insignificant public happenings banked in the back of your mind. As pro as many of us are now, we weren't always jewpilled. Their spying is beyond our comprehension. For example, how long did you have a camera phone or a webcam, or a microphone for your xbox before you fully comprehended the Snowden leaks and started using tape, or blowing out your mic? There are gaps, for pretty much everyone that isnt Amish. So while we all have fantasized about rallying stadiums full of people shouting about the preservation of the future for the white race, glowniggers want you to know youre not safe. They want us to know that no one is. And if you stop and think about it, they probably have video/audio of every time you were struggling to take a shit, or had diarrhea, or yahweh forbid, actually did some faggot shit like Jack. And if by some miracle they dont, because youre truly god-tier, they'll have pics/vids of your mom, or girlfriend, or wife or your dad or brother instead and use that instead. Moral of the story is, whatever it is, you need to prepare yourself for this, because our privacy is long gone. Own it. And take the licenseplatereaderpill if you havent, it will help you understand just how ridiculously absurd and indepth theyll go to map out your life, like we're mice in a maze for their psience experiment
>>14161937 You can also not put things in your ass on camera or at all.
>>14161937 >Write an article about being a cuckold >Film porn >react like a retard on a live show when someone brings it up >oh now, its the jews But you are right, a jew did this to him
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>>14161937 Jesus Christ. Get a grip you faggot.
>>14161937 Literally had no fucking idea who the kike was until the other day. No one likes him, took him seriously, or was a serious a fan of his on this board, trust me.
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>>14161937 This is why sexual repression is so dangerous.
It allows for blackmail.
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>>14161937 He wouldn’t be in this position if he had no shame.
>>14161939 what im not settled on is whether he knew going in what his role was, or if he genuinely got jewed. Because it wouldn't surprise me to learn his entire life was scripted to lead to this moment
>>14161937 >literal who >gets shilled here last week >omg guiZe da joos made him commid SOCIAL SUICIDE!!!!!!!!! drama was the only thing that could have brought that kikel shekels and he knew it
>>14161944 got jewed? he is a jew
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>>14161937 That's why we start a new religion & use that to protect ourselves & reach out to one another, support one another in real life & not just online.
The Evolutionary Church of Humankind (TECH) awaits, the one in which God & Evolution & Science are the same.
No one can deny Science (real Science, not $cience). No one can deny Evolution. Together, these are spirit of the Universe itself, begging you and everyone else to discover its secrets in order to progressively move forward on the Evolutionary Path.
>>14161944 he literally fucked himself, it has nothing to do with anyone, actions have consequences and he reacted like a full blown retard when a little damage control would have saved his day.
>>14161937 Why are you zoomers obsessed with this guy.
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>>14161937 Not reading that shit. He's just a shyster who got found out because he's a raging degenerate. I didn't even know who this kike was until /pol/ started shilling his gay shit.
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>>14161937 Just jews being jews.
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>>14161941 no shit kek
only glowniggers like the denver shooter were actually fans of his
thats not at all what im talking about. the only thing you need to know about Goldman is that he was a "right wing" political figure for this to apply to you. its one of a dozens of minor, seemingly insignificant, public messages intended to stack up in your subconscious. and those stacks could be the difference in your behavior, your reservations to act, to trust, in the future
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>>14161937 >hurrr durrr 4d chess jews losing actually jews winning they're afraid.
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>>14161946 yeah
jewed by a jew
you know jews jew jews right
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>>14161937 Just shills posting at other shills in these threads. No one has ever hear of this guy, and no one watches grifters on youtube so this is the most inorganic tranny posting I've seen yet. Demoralized by grifter figures never even heard of by anyone but other kike grifters, oh so demoralizing! Neck yourself faggot.
>>14161937 >being a gay camwhore and an open cuckold >people find out I think you are over complicating things.
These are not private matters of him being leaked.
Also who the fuck even is this
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>>14161937 I thought it was John Goldman. Either way can you imagine paying this kike to "teach" you how to be (((alpha))) kek
>>14161938 THIS x1,000. He's not a fucking victim here. He chose to shove dildos up his ass in front of a webcam for money. A mere 3 years ago. While he had the same very distinctive two-colors beard. How could he think this wouldn't come out? More importantly, how could he think he was in a position to give life advice to anyone?
>>14161937 >As pro as many of us are now, we weren't always jewpilled. Their spying is beyond our comprehension. For example, how long did you have a camera phone or a webcam, or a microphone for your xbox before you fully comprehended the Snowden leaks and started using tape, or blowing out your mic? There are gaps, for pretty much everyone that isnt Amish. Sure that's true but it's probably a good idea not to upload porn of yourself to a public website
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>>14161937 >The jews sacrificed Goldman for a purpose. There's no secret kabbal he was part of. Don't be ridiculous.
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>>14161937 Yeah I'm not getting pegged on camera in my spare time though. They have nothing on me but a bunch of fedposting
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>>14161937 tl;dr, don't care, AND I'm better than you
>>14161937 >licenseplatereaderpill do you have that pill handy fren? Not sure if I ever took that one...
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>>14161937 I want to fuck passing traps in my Caesarian temple and send the Jews back to Israel. Who’s with me?
>>14161937 Ive noticed Tim has more jews on his cuckcast than anyone else
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>>14161937 >good take We'll win anyway. While (((they))) chase white men around, their governments are turning to ash and quietly blowing away. Like with all evils, they will destroy themselves. It's already happening.
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>>14161937 >>14161938 Yeah wtf? What if you just NOT a total fucking degenerate? How can they defame you?
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>>14161937 s t r e t c h i n g
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>>14161937 Everything is ultimately a distraction. I'm sure the jews are planning to go after oil or something else like it in the middle east. Or distract from events with Russia. I'm just one man and its all so tiresome. God please just bless me already with the almighty physical attributes to start cleansing the Ashkenazi demonkin in Minecraft of course please?
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>>14161939 I think he used a little too much pineapple, mine tastes great.
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>>14161937 >a conservative grifter is a faggot freak whoah what a surprise, reminder these people call Nazis gay
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>>14161939 he's a jew himself
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>>14161948 you need to learn just how editorialized and scripted our perception of reality is anon. everything happening in the public sphere has a purpose. the quartering would not be on youtube/twitter if he wasnt himself jewish, or an approved goy
always ask yourself: why is x allowed on this platform when anyone else saying/doing this would've been banned years ago? its because theyre either jewish, work for jews, or are genuinely under the radar. Salty Cracker is the perfect example, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Nick Fuentes being verified on Twitter. Its all one giant globohomo soap opera, and that will never be you, not because you arent capable, but because youre not in their script. Trends are manual, Jack Goldman being thrown under the bus was sanctioned. His glownigger follower killing 5 people the next day, not a cohencidence.
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TLDR This was only demoralizing if your a kike and a grifter, and shove stuff up your asshole. The rest of us loved watching the quick and brutal downfall of goldman.
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>>14161939 Lol a jew did do it to him.
Because he is a jew.
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>>14161937 Never knew who he was in the first place.
He looks like a gay pink thanos. psuedoreality is for retards, much like reality tv.
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>>14161968 He even brought a new drunken jew lady on his show last night. I think Ben shapiro and rogan send tim a constant supply of kike grifters.
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>>14161937 >Ray Goldman (Jack Murphy) is meant to demoralize you It seems to have had the opposite effect.
>>14161937 I don't know who this guy is.
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>>14161937 juude was a grifter and over grifted. no sacrifice was made here to demonstrate anything. he's just a filthy perverted juude.
The real lesson is who cares, dude had bitches eating his ass. Literally no one cares. Never be afraid to speak your mind and stand up. Use them exposing you as a tool, as evidence of their corrupt practices. Blackmail and coercion will never win. Keep digging and keep fighting. Investigate, Dig, Compile, Release
>>14161988 >Investigate, Dig, Compile, Release Those are instructions for ass licking or something else?
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>>14161960 now youre asking the right questions anon
keep pulling on that cord and then read my op and it will hit you.
welcome to the jewish pseudoreality/globohomo soap opera
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>>14161937 Hairy Neanderthals.
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>>14161937 The moral of the story is to never trust a Jew.
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>>14161961 dude was live streaming on chaterbate for tokens. his wife would rim his anus with her tongue and spell out the alphabet while they waited for their grinder hookup to arrive.
>>14161966 she has no fucking tits, wtf
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>>14161937 QRD on this faggot?
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>>14161983 He's Irish. It says so right here!
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>>14161937 >if you havnt done faggot shit you are God tier >bi-sexual degenerate hands typed this post Anonymous
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>>14161937 This is 100% true and everyone in here is coping. If you ever try to be an eceleb, redpill en masse, or go into politics, vids of you jerking off are going to be posted on /pol/.
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>>14161961 what if i told you that you dont need to?
because thats literally what im telling you. i dont know why this blows right by 99.999999% of the population. everyone accepts the snowden leaks on paper, but cant actually comprehend how it applies to them personally
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>>14161986 apparently he is soem conservative jew grifter, monosphere guy, often would come to do podcasts with tim pool
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>>14161949 Because cucks and whores must be mercilessly punished.
>>14161994 Her ass makes up for her it, what are you gay? Her tits will plump up when you get her pregnant.
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>>14161994 Ice destroys boobs. Watch figure skating sometime.
Its the last bastion of appreciation for delicious flat chest.
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there's really something fishy about that whole pipeline of conservative grifters... cernovich, posobiec, bannon, tim pool, o'keefe, owens... paid by prager u and all blackmailed w/ sex? who knows
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>>14161965 >you probably didnt know this, or never actually stopped to think about it, but you know those tiny cameras that sit on top traffic lights? those dont just activate whenever someone runs a red light, theyre on all the time. and theyre not simply cameras, theyre first and foremost, license plate readers, and they tag every single license plate that crosses that intersection. >BUT WAIT.. theres more. They are actually owned and operated by (((private))) companies, who then lease the data to you, the taxpayer, and give it to law enforcement. >BUT WAIT.. theres EVEN more. They actually flag your vehicle so often that they essentially map out your routes, know your schedule, know where you've been, and likely, know where youre going to be. https://www.eff.org/pages/automated-license-plate-readers-alpr Anonymous
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>>14161994 oh damn I just noticed.. eww fuck that bitch maybe she had them cut off to prevent breast cancer or to be able to skate faster
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>>14162005 ass is for savage niggers. tits are for sophisticated white men
banned for talking politics on politics fucking joke of a site
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>>14162193 Yep this thread and another one getting moved to bant like 4 days ago were the first and only two good threads I’ve seen on pol in a long while. Pol is dead, maybe anons should figure out a way to do something about it. We need all new mods and bot protection.
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>>14161937 This board is slow as shit, can we just get all real people to come here since
Is bant shit, is it just this one polish guy?