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Ray Goldman (Jack Murphy) is meant to demoralize you, but not how you think

No.14161937 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The jews sacrificed Goldman for a purpose. To demonstrate to you their absolute power over the pseudoreality we know as society and politics. They are sending us a message to not get any ideas about trying to enter their space. If any one of us goyim tries to step into their space, become the next Hitler, or become problematic for them, they will pull the trigger, not physically, but socially. It's not an overt message, but a subliminal one, added to the stack of other seemingly insignificant public happenings banked in the back of your mind.

As pro as many of us are now, we weren't always jewpilled. Their spying is beyond our comprehension. For example, how long did you have a camera phone or a webcam, or a microphone for your xbox before you fully comprehended the Snowden leaks and started using tape, or blowing out your mic? There are gaps, for pretty much everyone that isnt Amish.

So while we all have fantasized about rallying stadiums full of people shouting about the preservation of the future for the white race, glowniggers want you to know youre not safe. They want us to know that no one is. And if you stop and think about it, they probably have video/audio of every time you were struggling to take a shit, or had diarrhea, or yahweh forbid, actually did some faggot shit like Jack. And if by some miracle they dont, because youre truly god-tier, they'll have pics/vids of your mom, or girlfriend, or wife or your dad or brother instead and use that instead.

Moral of the story is, whatever it is, you need to prepare yourself for this, because our privacy is long gone. Own it. And take the licenseplatereaderpill if you havent, it will help you understand just how ridiculously absurd and indepth theyll go to map out your life, like we're mice in a maze for their psience experiment