>>14183674>what are (((they))) hiding?Pic related. God absolutely exists and He would never have created a universe such as the the satanic mainstream claims:
>you are just a speck of nothing>orbiting the sun at 66600 mph>tilted at 66.6 degrees>on a ball that curves .666 ft per mile>hurtling thru vast empty nothingness>infinite universe, billions of planets,>you are not special>you are lost in the infinite empty void of spacehttps://youtu.be/_jyLGoVtd5sGod’s true creation is not isolated to a remote meaningless speck of rock in an infinite universe created from nothing. reality is not diluted 99.999999...% by the empty vacuum of space. This is an absolutely blasphemous worldview the Devil has constructed for the gullible and weak of spirit.
The Truth is the difference between ultimate nihilism vs. ultimate purpose and meaning in life. In reality (You) were specially designed and put here by a creator. Your decisions and life have ultimate infinite meaning and purpose. (You) are part of God’s great design and (((they))) don’t want capable, spiritually empowered, healthy people who know they have a spark of The Divine within them.