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Crazy Vax Fanfic Theory

!!UYaySxw8qD1 ID:bB1UEE9d No.14202397 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I thought I'd add my interpretation of the constant and ever-evolving conspiracy theories being thrown around about the vax hype:

>It's a power play for the future of communication into the past.
>The future has already made contact with the past using technology.
>Midwit governments are trying to prevent that technology from being created by releasing a virus on the world that is meant to change the future drastically.
>This attempt to disrupt the future is creating a paradox.
>Communication with the past has had far too much influence on our modern reality.
>This latest attempt to "send a message" to future governments has only resulted in untold collateral damage in covid deaths.
>It has done nothing to improve the relationship with the future. >This new push to vaccinate people is only a further attempt to "control the future".
>Current governments are trying to create a different influence on the future government through mass DNA manipulation which will in turn influence how contact with the past is made.

Thank you for reading my blog.
If you want to prevent (((them))) from controlling the future, get vaxed.