>>14225248So unlike the blacks who WANT to be of the 12 tribes and are NOT, we have the Pagans who actually ARE of the 12 tribes claiming that they are NOT. Now can we see why neither group is being censored? Because they propagate the lies that are critical to the Jew’s agenda. What the Pagans do believe is that there is a plurality of divine beings, that are nature-based and recognize the female divine principle, or Goddess worship, as opposed to the male divine principle as expressed in the Abrahamic God Yahweh.
If the Old Testament were really a Jewish book, it would be a book of deception rather than a book of heroism. Samson would have been a banker, or perhaps would have owned a casino. The children of Israel would have invaded the land of Canaan with briefcases rather than with swords. Deuteronomy would have been a manual for bankers and insurance agents. If the Old Testament were really a Jewish book, it would not have scorned prostitution, made death the penalty for sodomy, or absolutely forbid the practice of usury. The Jews are absolutely contrary to the God of the Old Testament, because in truth that God is a Christian God.
So-called White Nationalists who insist on maintaining the lie that the Bible is a Jewish book when incontrovertible evidence can be presented which proves that these people called Jews are neither Israel nor Judah, are actually doing the Jews a service by assisting them in their claims to an identity which is not theirs and giving credibility to the Jews, unwittingly or not.
If White Nationalists ever want to defeat the Jews and overcome being drowned in the sea of mud, they must abandon the Jewish religions (neo Paganism) that they have unwittingly embraced, and return to Christ their only legitimate King.
You know what the only religion banned in US prisons is ? Christian Identity.