be mejust turned 21been drinking with buddy eunuch for the past couple yearstotal bro who helps keep me safe while drinkingdecide to hangout at his place for my 21st his liquor cabinet is emptyfrantically look through his liquor cabinet find 750ml untouched bottle of Jägermeister in a Crown Royal bag in the back
sister hits me up telling me she wants to come party
reluctantly tell her to come over
ash is a fat nasty short little thing
eunuch doesn't drink Jager
so me and ash split it
couple hours later
ash decides to go to the bathroom
asks me to come with her
drunk and confused I follow
she pulls me in not even turning on the light
shuts the door
wraps herself around me and starts making out with me
try to get away
but she pulls my head back towards her face
"quit fighting isn't this what you've always wanted"
"Don't lie to me anon I know you're into all that incest shit. I've seen your browser history."
accept my fate
right when I relax she grabs my ass
nearly jump through the roof
try to hold back tears as I feel her tongue get sloppy in and around my mouth
she smells like Jager and spoiled milk
her hands move toward my pants
she moves slowly until reaching the belt
she can't unbuckle it so she just unzips me
legit start crying at this point
she starts sucking my dick
rethink my life decisions in what felt like the longest 3 minutes of my life
her saliva is literally dripping on the floor from this sloppy ass hummerit sounds like she's trying to suck down a hot dog made of pudding"fuck anon your cock is a lot bigger than what I thought it was."openly crying
"T-thank you"I can hear something rustling
she's unbuttoning her pantstotalfreakout.mp3
try to move awayshe grabs me by the belt
pulls my cock back into her mouthonce again accept my fate
cry some moreI'm long past the point of no return
eunuch pounds on the bathroom doorwe both jump