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Deleted Edition

ID:vJNgkW8X No.14261057 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
secret world leader anon here

i don't know her. but i enjoy her resonance and intellectual tension. i guess i would enjoy her as my only wife for a life. i have some women and wifes where i could live a life just with them. but i basically just live by myself, so i could do this without someone too. i don't really know a person who's resonating with me and communicating with me eye per eye.

but spending a life with a person like this is way better. she looks like she wouldn't just be there, but stimulate me in intellectual properties where other people wouldn't

i don't repeat myself. my thread got deleted again. i'm not dumping things or posting porn, no rule breaking. the mod deleting my threads is breaking the rule. this is /bant/. international/random. i don't post porn, i don't dump things and i sat out the "ban evasion". i didn't change the ip or anything in that time and still my thread got deleted. i won't forget that and i know what that means. not to a full extend, but i get the idea. you are breaking the rules, not just the forum rules.

last thread


My Pastebin Collection List:

share this with everyone you know. i put there all collections and playlists in. and the most essential informations. i will make more playlists for certain topics in there later on, but there's the most collected together and will be lot to see and understand for people already.