Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[5 / 1 / ?]

ID:qD1qwqyd No.14261853 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Your thread's gem arbitration has been suspended until you provide the Ministry of /qa/ with supporting documentation of your thread's quality. Examples of accepted documentation include:

>Similar threads that were deemed to reach gem status
>Statements from neutral gem notaries as to the gem quality of your thread
>Images, posts, and quotes from your thread that you feel supports the intended quality of your thread.

>Please log into ThreadPC3.0 system at your soonest convenience to upload supporting documentation. Final gem arbitration will occur within 48 hours.
>WARNING: If your thread is determined to have a "Coal" or lower status by the Ministry of /qa/, you may be subject to fines, doxxing, and mandatory gangstalking of no less than 3 months.