>>14275189Stereotypical Russia-German names are German names that also have a popular Russian equivalent e.g. Eugen, Waldemar, Andre, Alexander, Roman, Anna, Katharina, Sergei, Vitali.
Why we are different than the Germans:
We did not go through all the re-education the Germans in occupied Germany went through, we just had to be deported to the steppes, march to death, die in gulags, starve to death or cannibalise each other.
Our religions are also different. We believe in the Cruxifiction, they believe in the Holocaust. The Germans here believe in some weird cargo cultish religion that we call the guilt-cult (Schuldkult).
We have no guilt, this system of control does not function on us. We think like Germans always thought before they poisoned the well.
The Germans of Germany are not like normal human beings. They have no self-respect, no confidence. They always seek approval from foreigners thinking they owe them anything. Their culture is the system-approved german culture that only is allowed to graze within the confines the occupants laid out. It will be a difficult work to break the chains they have been put in. It makes me sad to see my compatriots in this state, but it is what it is.