Well, lemme tell you about the furfag fandom. Nothing really interesting happened, but fuck me, it's a hellhole.
>be 13yo me
>stumble across furfag site
>didn't know what furfaggotry was at the time
>go deeper into the site
>find furfag porn
>close it immediately
>a few years later
>find furfag forum
>decide to make an account
>basically just shitpost and lurk
>find out about drama in the forums
>furfag shitposter that was able to get into other people's accounts
>he somehow gets into my account and deletes it
>mods and admins try to ban him, but he keeps coming back
>this all happened because of how weak the security was on that site
>the shitposter just wanted to tell the mods that by doing this shit, but they wouldn't up the security on it
>site eventually got shut down because of the shitposter
>go to more furfag sites and shit like that
>more porn, more forums, more autismo fanfictions, everything i'd want
>some more years later
>find out about 4chan
>edgy teen at the time
>know it's an 18+ site according to rules
>but fuck that
>mainly just lurk
>after some years of lurking, finally old enough to legally post
>make my first post
>continue to shitpost and lurk for some years
>after those years, find out about /trash/
>realize the hellhole of furfaggotry i've fallen into
Still a furfag to this day. No regrets.