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ID:KCD4Y2Md No.14303498 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
just wokeup

i want more lockdowns

So basically prior to waking up I have been seeing the same dream on repeat of me transferring to a different army because I think that doing this will provide me with other enemies to fight in battle against in warsword conquest. I was so sick of it that I decided to wake up.

Up until now I've just been fighting dwarves and thats cool and all but maybe I want to fight night goblins now

Im hesitant to join a big army like faction leader because overall his map movement speed will be slower and easier for enemy vassals to therefore catch up to us and outnumber us by a large margin say if they had multiple other vassals accompanying them and frankly thats not fun

and however I have had much success in being part of a detachment

I need to find and hire some stone trolls and weirdboys. Im basically a painboy primarily