>>14304408Okay here's what AC has to say about this one. Bad things gravitate to good things because they just do for some reason. That's why America is a shithole with nigz and poverty, because the US is #1. Maybe the reason is the nature of evil itself, in that evil cannot create things and only leech off of goodness to survive, so something with high quantities of goodness acquires nigz and decay. In the same way, because TF2 was created with so much goodness and love, it is filled with "le bad", and societally thathas shifted from furries/gays to trannies since 2007. But just as there is a lot of "le bad", tf2 also has many aryan natosc gamers, even in casual matches. Otaku franchises have many tranny fans because the fictional women are beautiful and because white losers (trannies) are high IQ but so too are otakus aryan alpha males and rich and whatnot.
Because of strong underlying substance there's disparity and extremes of good and bad within. If it were a dumb normalfag game it wouldn't have nearly as much of the evil but it would now be abandoned and empty.
It's sort of like how when someone praises tiny altchans it's gay because yeah they have no tranny drama but holy fuck altchans are lame. There's no excellency or coolness so of course there's no glaring flaws.
That's why aryanz gotta fight and create and do good, because good things are always under attack from leeches and midwits.