>>14328096"Purity spiral" is a term often used by the long nose tribe and other grifters to dilute alternative rightwing schools of thought.
Essentially, the goal of European racial doctrine has always been to establish the primacy of west European ethnic groups with a particular focus on Anglos and Saxons throughout history. Time has diluted this to include other Europeans such as Sicilians, Spaniards, Balkan peoples, Slavs, etc. This is important to note.
People who use the term "purity spiral" believe that European racial doctrine is spiraling inwards to become too selective, despite the fact that it has continually been getting less selective for hundreds of years. Benjamin Franklin believed that Anglos and Saxons were the only supreme race. Today this would be considered far too selective even in the most rightwing circles.
The truth is, that the vast majority of Europeans who supported forms of racial doctrine before the 1900s all sought to establish west European ethnic groups as the ideal. The only purity spiraling that is happening, is the dilution of those original beliefs which has the effect of opening up more and more ethnic groups to the position of the white race.
In the 1700s, the notion of Slavs being racially equal to west Europeans would have been laughable at best. Now, Slavs are nearly put on a pedestal as supporters of "White identity" for their resistance to modern degeneracy. There is certainly a "purity spiral", but it's absolutely the opposite of how most people use the term.